Tips for the Holidays After Divorce

Dec 01, 2022

The holidays can be difficult for individuals who have gone through a divorce. If you are celebrating alone, it may be hard to feel the joy typically associated with this season. However, there are ways to make the holidays after a divorce more manageable and enjoyable!

Slowiaczek Albers PC, LLO has tips on celebrating the holidays in a way that works for you and your family. You don’t have to go through the holidays feeling sad and alone; read on for some helpful advice.

Have Realistic Expectations

The holidays after divorce may not be what you’re used to, and that’s okay. This is important to recognize, as having realistic expectations for how the holidays will look and feel is essential. This way, you can avoid feeling disappointed or let down if things don’t go according to plan. While it is necessary to have a positive outlook, you should also acknowledge sometimes things can go wrong.

Schedule Time With Loved Ones

One tip for those celebrating the holidays after a divorce is to spend time with friends or other loved ones. If you don’t have family nearby, reach out to your friends and see if they can spend time with you during this holiday season. This can help you feel less alone and more connected to those who care about you.

Plan Ahead of the Holidays

Another helpful tip is to plan for the holidays in advance. This can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by last-minute plans or unexpected expenses. Furthermore, having discussions with loved ones in advance is beneficial when making your holiday schedule. Advanced planning can go a long way when celebrating the holidays after a divorce.

Work With Your Ex-Spouse if You Have Children

If you have children, it is important to work with your ex-spouse to make sure that they have a happy and memorable holiday season. Try to be flexible in your plans and be open to making new traditions with your kids. This may include things like celebrating on a different day than you usually would or doing something special that the whole family can enjoy.

Make Your Own Traditions

Another suggestion for those celebrating the holidays after a divorce is to make your own traditions. This process can be especially fun if you have children in your life. Involve them in making decisions about what new traditions you want to introduce, which can also excite them about the holidays during what is also a difficult time for them. If you don’t have family nearby, consider starting some new traditions with your friends or other loved ones. Whatever you do, make sure it is something that you and your family will enjoy.

Get Into the Holiday Spirit

You can also try getting into the holiday spirit. This may include listening to festive music, watching holiday movies, or decorating your home. Whatever you do, make sure it is something that brings you joy and helps you get into the holiday spirit.

Know That it Gets Easier

Finally, it is important to remember that the holidays after divorce may be difficult at first, but it does get easier with time. The holidays will become more manageable as you and your family adjust to your new normal. With each year, you will likely feel more prepared and excited for the holiday season.

Slowiaczek Albers PC, LLO is Here If You Need Assistance

We hope these tips will help you enjoy the holidays after your divorce. Remember, you don’t have to do things the way they have always been. This is a time to start fresh and create new traditions that work for you and your family. Whatever you do, focus on what will make you happy this holiday season, and know that we are here to help if you need help with your divorce.


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