Kenneth P. Altshuler
Portland, Maine
In November 1995, the Admissions Committee proposed the following recommendations for admission to the College.....
In November 1995, the Admissions Committee proposed the following recommendations for admission to the College: good standing in the AAML; must be a trial lawyer; the number of Diplomates from each state shall be limited to a maximum of 10% of the number of fellows in good standing in that state’s chapter of the AAML. At this time there is also a structure for the names of all future Diplomates to be shared and voted on by all then Diplomates of the College. When the College first started, if any two Diplomates of the general membership of the College voted NO to a proposed new Diplomate, that proposed Diplomate would not be approved for membership.
In March of 1999, Sandy again told all Diplomates. If you miss two meeting meetings in a three-year period without being excused, you may be subject to removal. As you are aware the number of rooms rented at the resort venue determines the overall cost of the benefits that we receive during our stay. We expect you to attend the place of venue unless you live in the area of the meeting. As you were previously informed the only valid excuses for missing a meeting are illness, family obligations and court trials (actual trial). Attendance at another organization’s meeting or speaking engagements will not be deemed an excusable reason for not attending the meeting unless you are the President of such organization or State Bar. We try every year to pick a date that is not in conflict with any other organization, and you then have one year’s notice to make proper arrangements”.
In 2003 Sandy Dranoff was of the opinion the By-Laws that had been drafted did not need to be implemented (so they were not implemented). Also, for the first time the concept of and Emeritus status was discussed. During the early years, the Admissions Committee acted as the Executive Committee.
After the College became established, the method of inviting new Diplomates to the College moved exclusively to the Executive Committee. Also, during this time the Executive Committee began meeting two times per year; once in October and again at the April meeting. The October meeting is in New York. The annual April meeting alternated between the East Coast and the West Coast.
In October 2011, the College had 98 active Diplomates and 13 Emeritus Diplomates. The Executive Committee reaffirmed the “no two members from the same firm” and “new Diplomates were limited to 1/2 the then open slots”.
In April 2012, Emeritus attendance and costs to attend the annual meetings was discussed. It was decided Emeritus Diplomates of the Executive Committee could maintain their position on the Executive Committee but without voting status and Emeritus Executive Committee members will pay their own expenses for their costs in New York at the October executive committee meeting but will be invited to the Friday night dinner.
To this day, we endeavor to fulfill Sandy Dranoff's plan for "an organization trial lawyers operating without rules". Sandy was the visionary.
By-Laws were approved in 2013.
To this day, we endeavor to fulfill Sandy Dranoff’s plan for “an of organization trial lawyers operating without rules”. Sandy was the visionary. He started the College and ruled all aspects of the College during his lifetime. Sandy passed on April 29, 2012. Steve Kolodny and then Ron Anteau took over as Executive Vice-President’s after Sandy became ill until 2018. John Slowiaczek became President in 2018 and continues in that position.
The American College of Family Trial Lawyers is a select group of 100 of the top family law trial lawyers from across the United States.
The American College was formed in 1993 to bring together some of the best trial lawyers in America practicing sophisticated and complex family law and matrimonial matters both domestically and abroad, ranging from dissolution of marriage (divorce), paternity, palimony, child abduction and domestic torts. Diplomates, all members of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, are chosen based upon their recognized litigation skills and courtroom abilities.
Of The Top Family Law
Attorneys In The United States
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New York, New York
Williamsville, New York
Washington, District Of Columbia
Chicago, Illinois
New York, New York
Portland, Maine
Memphis, Tennessee
Bellevue, Washington
New York, New York
Madison, Wisconsin
Birmingham, Michigan
Burlington, Vermont
Dallas, Texas
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Tuscon, Arizona
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Santa Rosa, California
Santa Rosa, California
Cincinnati, Ohio
Los Angeles, California
Overland Park, Kansas
New York, New York
Winchester, Virginia
Houston, Texas
Raleigh, North Carolina
Des Moines, Iowa
West Palm Beach, Florida
Summit, New Jersey
Woodbridge, Virginia
New York, New York
Stamford, Connecticut
Louisville, Kentucky
Birmingham, Alabama
San Diego, California
Bridgewater, New Jersey
Oakland, California
Scottsdale, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
Chicago, Illinois
Irvine, California
Denver, Colorado
columbus, Ohio
Chicago, Illinois
Bethesda, Maryland
Needham, Massachusetts
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dallas, Texas
Salt Lake City, Utah
Los Angeles, California
Las Vegas, Nevada
Garden City, New York
Boston, Massachusetts
Hackensack, New Jersey
Atlanta, Georgia
Red Bank, New Jersey
Falls Church, Virginia
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New York, New York
Columbia, South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Woodland Hills, California
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gainesville, Georgia
St. Louis, Missouri
Nashville, Tennessee
Dallas, Texas
Plano, Texas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Fort Worth, Texas
Red Bank, New Jersey
Westport, Connecticut
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Honolulu, Hawaii
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Sioux City, Iowa
West Palm Beach, Florida
Birmingham, Michigan
Newport Beach, California
Tampa, Florida
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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Indianapolis, Indiana
Park City, Utah
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Boulder, Colorado
Seattle,, Washington
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Providence, Rhode Island
Bakersfield, California
Springfield, Missouri
Weatherford, Texas
Sacramento, California
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Orlando, Florida
Houston, Texas
Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Golden, Colorado
Washington, District Of Columbia
Birmingham, Alabama
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Tuscon, Arizona
Scottsdale, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
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Santa Rosa, California
Santa Rosa, California
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Irvine, California
Los Angeles, California
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Bakersfield, California
Sacramento, California
Denver, Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Golden, Colorado
Stamford, Connecticut
Westport, Connecticut
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Washington, District Of Columbia
Washington, District Of Columbia
West Palm Beach, Florida
West Palm Beach, Florida
Tampa, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Atlanta, Georgia
Gainesville, Georgia
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Chicago, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis, Indiana
Des Moines, Iowa
Sioux City, Iowa
Overland Park, Kansas
Louisville, Kentucky
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Portland, Maine
Bethesda, Maryland
Needham, Massachusetts
Boston, Massachusetts
Birmingham, Michigan
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Birmingham, Michigan
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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Red Bank, New Jersey
Albuquerque, New Mexico
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New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
Garden City, New York
New York, New York
Raleigh, North Carolina
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columbus, Ohio
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Dallas, Texas
Houston, Texas
Dallas, Texas
Dallas, Texas
Plano, Texas
Fort Worth, Texas
Weatherford, Texas
Houston, Texas
Salt Lake City, Utah
Park City, Utah
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Winchester, Virginia
Woodbridge, Virginia
Falls Church, Virginia
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